Accident-Related Injuries


Don’t wait for your pain to get worse!

very often, injuries to the neck, low back, and shoulders are not immediately apparent. two to seven days after a car accident is when you are likely going to be in the most pain, and this can be a sign of significant damage to your spine, tendons, and joints. Don’t ignore it! If not addressed and treated by someone with expertise, these types of “sleeper” injuries can cause lifelong pain and degenerative disease.

Car Accident Injuries

  • Patients with whiplash experience back, low back, and neck pain following an accident. Pain or injuries to the shoulders are also very common due to your vehicle’s restraint system.

  • Physical Therapy and Chiropractic are a great place to start the recovery process.

  • Whiplash injuries are the most common complaint of those who have been in a vehicle struck from behind. Even at low speeds, the impact from a collision can cause serious injuries to your spine or extremities that will get worse if left untreated. Let us help you get back to feeling your best!


Dr. Glazer completed a Diplomate in Traumatology and the Biomechanics of Whiplash, to specialize himself in treating his patients who are recovering from acute injuries following an accident. He has significant knowledge of and experience with the overall treatment and management of acute and traumatic spinal disorders, and all of the providers at Glazer Spine Center are committed to getting you the care needed to recover completely from your injuries, regardless of severity.


With all the recent noise surrounding auto insurance reform in Michigan, we want to reassure our patients that we remain committed to ensuring access to care for car accident victims, regardless of the insurance details. If you have questions about your coverage, benefits, or what your options are, do not hesitate to reach out. We are happy to help and can point you in the right direction!